The slipper
Friday, July 21, 2006, 12:35 pm
Filed under: Digression, Knitting, Photos/Photography

The slipper will be done by tomorrow come hell or high water!

I say tomorrow because I still have my tapestry needles and whatnot in the bed of the truck and I may not feel like getting them out until tomorrow. But I’ve begun shaping the toe, so the end is definitely only an hour or so away.

I forgot to mention this in my last post, but during the second day of travel, when we woke up in Hope, within 30 mins of me crawling out of bed I get stung by a damned wasp! Good news, I didn’t die. Better news, B. acted quick as can be, killed the wasp, and then mushed up some aspirin, put it on the sting, and to my surprise it worked! The pain didn’t disappear, but it was a lot less worse than it was seconds before.

I mention this only because for 20 years I managed to not get stung by anything, and then twice in one summer I get stung by a wasp. Both times because they were hiding in my clothes. Damned sneaky wasps.

Also, I love the Okanagan. It’s way too bloody hot, hotter than it is here, but I love the sagebrush and the brown hills spotted with green.

The above photo was taken outside of Osoyoos, possibly the hottest place in all of Canada.

Before it begins
Monday, July 17, 2006, 12:02 pm
Filed under: Digression, Gardening & Plants, Photos/Photography

Today is my last “day” so to speak here. Tomorrow our ride is coming to pick us up, and we are off the day after that. Tomorrow will be full of filling trucks and getting rid of the excess furniture, as well as figuring out just what has to be sent through greyhound (because we can’t fit it all in the trunk!).

I cancelled the phone and internet, which will be cut off on Wednesday morning.

Also, I’ve made my peace with saying goodbye to my garden. I understand that most likely for the rest of the season it will go unwatered, wither away, die, and then most likely be resodded. That’s okay, because I can always get new plants and a new garden. Still, it’s hard saying goodbye to something you really worked on, even if it was only a little 4×5 plot of dirt.

But that’s okay, there’ll be new dirt for me to play in Nelson. Also, lots of things for me to take photographs of which is what I’m really looking forward to.

Also, I’ve taken a bit of time to knit. I needed to knit. Knitting is good for the soul. It doesn’t look much different, but here’s a photo anyway:

It’ll be done in a week!

Funny story as well, yesterday my landlord calls me and says:

“Hi, we’re showing the place on Wednesday, and I know you’re not leaving until that morning and that’s fine, but we won’t have time to come in and clean it, so would you mind cleaning it a little?”

And my response was:

“Well, of course I will!”

That was said as I was actually cleaning at that moment. And that got me wondering, if they’re expecting me not to clean, what kind of tenants are they used to?

That being said, I think I will sign off for now. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to update you all by the end of the week to let you know that I didn’t go over a cliff or something on the drive to Nelson *knocks on wood*.

I do expect many a travel photo to be taken. Oh yes.

And with that, I bid you all adieu (for a while…).

Sun Sign
Friday, July 14, 2006, 10:32 am
Filed under: Digression, Photos/Photography

I was getting sick of seeing no photograph on the latest entry, so here we are.  Taken with a 50 year old camera with the lens reversed.  I love tinkering with my cameras.

I have today and tomorrow left of work, then four more days left in Vancouver.  I feel like I’m pretty ready to go, I just have some furniture that I need to do away with, which is admittedly the most daunting task because I don’t have a car.

Knitting has unfortunately taken a back seat as of lately, which is especially bad for my mom and her one-slippered foot.  Sorry mom, I swear it’s halfway done and will be at your doorstep by the end of July!

That being said I have lots of fun and exciting things planned.  I’m going to have time to take lots of photos again, I’m going to have time to knit, there’s only new experiences facing me which I so sorely need after far too long in this dreary city of Vancouver (and I’m not talking about the rain, I like the rain).  Not to mention, I’ll be starting up my own business.  One that will hopefully keep me out of the retail world – at least when it gets started up.

I love blogs because I can display all my little pictures and you can’t do a thing about it.

Also, be looking for photographs of me with a cacti during the road trip.  Seriously.

And now for something completely different
Monday, July 10, 2006, 6:18 pm
Filed under: Digression, Photos/Photography

Slowly getting rid of my stuff?  Check.

Doing the bare minimum at work since its my last week?  Check.

Feeling like I’m ready to move cities in a week?  No.

I know I am ready, but until I actually see stuff out of my house I won’t feel like it’s done.  Then I look at all the boxes we (and most of them are in fact mine – but in my defense its mostly photography equipment, art supplies and books/CDs/DVDs) have and go “cripes, how will this fit in the truck, and how will it not fly all over the Hope-Princeton Highway at 90 KMH”.

But I suppose we’ll find out all about that.

But it’s a new adventure that I have, one that will afford me time to pursue leisure activities, work my way into IATSE, and allow me  to hopefully build up a photography business.

Oh yes, and take lots of pictures to document the next coming weeks of extreme life-alteringedness.

And now, I have laundry to fold.

Shaping the gusset
Thursday, July 6, 2006, 9:32 pm
Filed under: Knitting, Photos/Photography

Here’s the slipper for my mom. I’m a horrible daughter, but I swear it’s coming along.

It’s so damned hard to find time between moving, working, and then trying to knit. Damned near impossible.

The moving is going well however. I just realized today that I really only have like ten days left before it’s all ready to go (supposedly) and I’m off. Ten days. It’s seems almost impossible, but so exciting! I’ve been talking to people about darkrooms in my new city, I’ve been scouting out places to get supplies. It’s all falling into place, oh yes.

Also, in response to my lamentation the previous entry, I shot off two rolls of film on a whim yesterday. It felt really damned good to do something like that, especially because I’ve been so absent from my cameras. My cameras are like my limbs, take them away and they still itch.

Monday, July 3, 2006, 1:13 pm
Filed under: Photos/Photography

I used to be a photographer, I really, really did.

I have hundreds (if not thousands) of negatives to prove it too. My flickr page used to once house tons of photographs. Then I let my pay account expire and of course you can’t see half of them.

Not to mention I haven’t taken proper photographs in a very, very long time. Far too long, and I miss my cameras.

Look, I can even prove it, I took this photo myself:

I guess what I’m saying is, along with my plans to hopefully start up a small photography business when I move, I also am just really looking forward to the time I’ll have to just enjoy myself with my cameras again. I miss that feeling when you look at the final print and are so happy that it turned out the way you wanted (or better!). I can see all the places in my head that I can’t wait to go to when I move.

I’m really looking forward to being inspired again.

The Future
Friday, June 30, 2006, 11:23 am
Filed under: Digression, Photos/Photography

Dental appointments done? Check.

…. Well, at least for a bit. Five visits in one month has been hard on my psyche, but I still have some cavities that need to get filled. The unfortunate bit is, my dental plan is running out, and on top of that, I’m moving so the awesome dentist I just discovered won’t be at my disposal anymore.

I have some cavities that still need filling however, but I’ll have to sort out finances with that later. Cavities are expensive, but at least he showed me how to brush properly.

In other excellent news, I’ve found out that there is indeed a darkroom rental place in the town that I’m moving to. Considering the town has only 10,000 people, I’m pleasently surprised. It’s actually located within a youth centre, but I’m a youth… sort of. Regardless I’m sure I can use it, so I’m waiting to hear back from them since I emailed them, but if this all works out, my plan to start up a small photography business (doing portraiture or what have you) will work out beautifully

And, just so this isn’t completely pictureless:

Soon, I will no longer see these towering skyscrapers, which I cannot say, I’m going to miss.

First Official Post
Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:01 am
Filed under: Digression, Knitting, Photos/Photography

Here's a negative print of a building in the town where I'm moving:

 So this is where I will be blogging from now on. Most of you know that I used to be with but to follow along with the new beginnings in my life, I'm ditching the old domain that I've had for far too long.

If you look to the top left hand corner of the bar over there you'll see a bloglines subscribe button. Click it if you want to read along on bloglines.
I promise a fun knitting update soon. I'm almost done my honeymoon cami by Julia Trice who was more than helpful when I needed to ask her something about the pattern.